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Become a Tutor

Apply Now!

The task of explaining economics concepts to less advanced students will deepen your own fundamental knowledge. In addition, students involved in the Economics Learning Center have a home base in the Department of Economics; this provides opportunities for interaction with faculty and other economics students!

Tutor Job Description

  • Tutors are expected to devote up to 20 hours per week and as much additional time for preparation as necessary.
  • All in-person shifts must occur in the ELC, room 385 of Arps Hall. Online shifts can be held via Zoom from a private location on a device with audio and video capabilities. 
  • Tutors are expected to:
    • Report to work at their scheduled time. 
    • Be helpful, courteous, and respectful.
    • Provide guidance and clarification but not complete work for students.

Qualifications to be a Tutor

  • You must have taken ECON 2001, 2002, 4001, and 4002 and finished with at least a B.
    • Students not meeting this standard will be considered based on individual merit.
  • It is not necessary to be an ECON major.
    • Any student who has completed the required courses can apply to be a tutor, regardless of major.

When Tutors are Hired

  • Prospective tutors may apply at any time. Your application may not be considered immediately but for the next semester (excluding summer while the ELC is closed).
    • We aim to interview at the end of each semester so tutors are hired and oriented before the ELC opens the following semester.
  • We will keep your application on file for a year and contact you at the provided email if we are interested in interviewing you.
    • The consistent graduation of our tutoring staff leaves us hiring tutors regularly. We encourage prospective tutors to apply every year.

How Much Are Tutors Paid?


Please reach out to Sydneigh Burnell at burnell.15@osu.edu with any questions.