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Graduate Student Life

Cost of Study:  For the Cost of Attendance, please see this page: https://sfa.osu.edu/graduate-students/about-aid/financial-aid-eligibility. For information about on-campus housing, click here: https://housing.osu.edu/living-on-campus/graduate-professional-and-non-traditional-housing. For off-campus housing, click here: https://offcampus.osu.edu/.

Life as an Economics Graduate Student: The Ohio State Economics program is very intensive. Students focus on classes for the first year of study, followed by balancing course work and TA duties in subsequent years. More information about TA/RA-ships can be found here.
The Economics Graduate Student Society (EGSS) and the Graduate Women in Economics (GWIE) facilitate collaboration among students.  These groups also serve as a voice in the context of faculty-staff-student relations, by giving students greater opportunities to connect with faculty, as well as a platform to address department-wide issues that affect them directly. They can also elect officers to represent economics graduate students in the Department Graduate Studies Committee and in university-level graduate student governance and associations to address university-wide issues.
Academic collaboration between students and faculty is encouraged.  Students and faculty members participate in the same weekly workshops and seminars.  Every year about two dozen students participate in not only in regional but also in national and international academic conferences with the support of the department.
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