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Undergraduate Economics Society

UES is an organization established to serve undergraduate students on The Ohio State University's Columbus campus and help them connect with others that have a similar in depth interest for economics.

While many of our members are Economics or Business majors, our doors are open to all areas of study and any students with a passion and enthusiasm for economics.

  • We connect students with internships and full time job opportunities. UES frequently hosts recruiters who seek candidates with analytical, quantitative, and computational skills combined with a strong aptitude for leadership and communication.
  • We invite professors to speak at our meetings so that students can learn about groundbreaking research and the most interesting classes on campus.
  • We host social events throughout the year to help members connect and share the Buckeye spirit!

Our 2022-2023 regular meetings are held every Tuesday from 7:15pm – 8:15pm in the Arps Room 012. (Subject to change). Join our GroupMe here!

The exact location will be announced over GroupMe and Social Media.

Besides serving as a platform to discuss and share your interest in economics with other Ohio State students, UES serves as a great opportunity to develop lasting relationships not only with your fellow peers, but with the numerous faculty members of the Economics Department.  Get insights in what type of economic research is being done around campus and learn about potential career opportunities that await you after graduation.  And to top it off, UES provides free pizza and drinks at every meeting.

Autumn 2021 Officers:

  • President: Leah Fenstermaker
  • Vice President: J.J. Gregory
  • Treasurer: Colin Russell
  • Director of Project Management: Christine Rutkowski
  • Secretary: Abbey Black
  • Director of Social Media: Kaitlin Pang
  • Organization Advisor: Molly Cooper

For more information visit our website: The Undergraduate Economic Society
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"If ignorance paid dividends most Americans could make a fortune out of what they don't know about economics."

    - Luther H. Hodges