Core Microeconomics
8711 Microeconomic Theory IA G 3
Rigorous survey of the neoclassical paradigm dealing with individual economic agents, firms and markets; covers core concepts and methods such as equilibrium, optimality, duality, comparative statics and envelope theorems. Prereq: Grad standing in Econ, or related discipline with permission of Economics Director of Grad Studies.
8712 Microeconomic Theory IB G 3
Continuation and extension of Microeconomic Theory 1A to study competitive general equilibrium, optimality and welfare theorems; includes analysis of individual agents' behavior under uncertainty and markets subject to asymmetric information. Prereq: 8711 or equiv with permission of Economics Director of Grad Studies.
8713 Microeconomic Theory IIA G 3
Rigorous introduction to game theoretic methods and concepts and their applications to study strategic interactions in economic organizations, including imperfectly competitive markets and economies with public goods and externalities. Prereq: 8712, or equiv with permission of economics director of grad studies.
8714 Microeconomic Theory IIB G 3
A theoretical treatment of information economics and mechanism design; topics include implementation, dominant strategy mechanism, Bayesian mechanism design, adverse selection, moral hazard, social choice and auctions. Prereq: 8713, or equiv, and permission of Economics Director of Graduate Studies.
Core Macroeconomics
8721 Macroeconomic Theory IA G 3
A rigorous introduction to modern macroeconomic analysis and models of economic growth with emphasis on dynamic competitive equilibrium analysis: topics include dynamic programming applied to stochastic environments. Prereq: Grad standing, and permission of Economics Director of Grad Studies.
8722 Macroeconomic Theory IB G 3
Continuation of 8721 with recent developments in macro and monetary economics; topics include business cycles, endogenous growth, equilibrium unemployment and risk sharing in incomplete markets. Prereq: 8721, or equiv, and permission of Economics Director of Grad Studies.
8723 Macroeconomic Theory IIA G 3
Continuation of Macroeconomic Theory IA-IB with emphasis on dynamic general equilibrium models with shocks and frictions and their empirical assessment. Prereq: 8722 or equiv, and permission of Economics Director of Grad Studies.
8724 Macroeconomic Theory IIB G 3
Micro foundations of aggregate demand from the perspective of dynamic optimization; topics also include permanent income, lifetime portfolio choice, Q-theory of investment, consumption CAPM, term structure and long term risk. Prereq: 8723, or equiv, and permission of Economics Director of Grad Studies.
Core Econometrics
8731 Econometrics I G 4
Probability; random variables; sampling distributions; limit theorems; point and interval estimation; statistical hypothesis testing; multiple regression analysis in the linear model including finite-sample and asymptotic statistical properties.
8732 Econometrics II G 4
Generalized least squares; specification tests; generalized method of moments; endogenous regressors and simultaneous equation systems; panel data; nonlinear estimation; discrete and limited dependent variable models; and basic time-series analysis. Prereq: 8731 or equiv with permission of economics director of grad studies.
8733 Econometrics III G 3
Continuation of Economics 8731 and 8732 with an emphasis on applications of econometric theory and methods, including the use of advanced econometric software to various fields of economics. Prereq: Econ 8731 and 8732, or equiv with permission of instructor.