ECON 3400: The Analysis and Display of Data
Introduction to the analysis of data. Topics include sampling, data collection, probability, inference, random variables, display of data, correlation, and analysis of variance. This course does not count toward a course elective for Econ majors.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 4400 (444), 5410 (641), 5420 (642), 443, IntStds 3400 (443), Stat 1430 (133), 1450 (145), 2450 (245) or AEDEcon 2005 (205). GE data anly course. Cross-listed in IntStds.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 4400 (444), 5410 (641), 5420 (642), 443, IntStds 3400 (443), Stat 1430 (133), 1450 (145), 2450 (245) or AEDEcon 2005 (205). GE data anly course. Cross-listed in IntStds.
Credit Hours