ECON 4560: Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Economy
The economic, social, and political bases for and responses to increasing global economic integration.
Prereq: 2001.01, 2001.02 (200), or 2001.03H (200H), and 2002.01, 2002.02 (201), or 2002.03H (201H), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 4560H (556H), 556, IntStds 4560 (556), or 4560H (556H). Cross-listed in IntStds.
Prereq: 2001.01, 2001.02 (200), or 2001.03H (200H), and 2002.01, 2002.02 (201), or 2002.03H (201H), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 4560H (556H), 556, IntStds 4560 (556), or 4560H (556H). Cross-listed in IntStds.
Credit Hours