ECON 5700: Industrial Organization
Nature, role, and regulation of competition; market structure and social performance; antitrust laws; current economic, legal, and policy problems in the antitrust area.
Prereq: 4400 (444), 5410 (641), or Stat 2450 (245), and 4001.01 (501.01), 4001.02 (501.02), or 4001.03, or equiv; or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 670.
Prereq: 4400 (444), 5410 (641), or Stat 2450 (245), and 4001.01 (501.01), 4001.02 (501.02), or 4001.03, or equiv; or Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 670.
Credit Hours