Dear Alumni and Friends,
Please consider a gift or donation to the Department of Economics. Each and every gift makes a tangible difference in the lives of our students and faculty. All gifts are tax deductible as permitted by law. Here are a number of ways you can invest in this department and its programs:
Fund # 301944 Economics Faculty Memorial Fund
Supports various department activities as identified by the chair to enhance the department, including seminar presentations, graduate student research and travel, & faculty teaching
Fund # 309719 Economics Undergraduate Scholarship
Provides scholarships for undergraduates in the Department of Economics
Fund # 314106 James Lehr Kennedy Fund in Economics
Funds to be used at the discretion of the department chair for support of department activities (research, teaching, scholarships, etc.)
Fund # 314501 Gledhill Prize in Applied Economics
Provides an award made annually for the best paper in applied economics by an OSU undergraduate economics major
Fund # 601737 Charles A. Dice Fund
Funds research and/or fellowships for worthy students in economics, business or banking
Fund # 603157 Alma Herbst Memorial Lecture Fund
Provides an annual lecture in labor economics
Fund # 605978 The Edward J. Ray Commemorative Research Fund
Supports scholarly graduate activities in the Department of Economics at the department chair's discretion
Fund # 606676 The L. Edwin Smart Series in Economics
Funds an annual series of lectures in economics
Fund # 606677 The L. Edwin Smart Teaching Award in Economics
Provides recognition to teaching assistants and faculty members for their teaching achievements
Fund # 641472 The Professor Paul G. Craig Graduate Student Assistance Fund
Funds one or more graduate students for a semester, relieving them from their teaching commitment to help accelerate progress toward a PhD in economics
Fund # 644415 G.S. Maddala Memorial Fund
Provides awards to graduate students for excellence in quantitative research using econometrics, both theoretical and applied
Fund # 665060 The Keith and Linda Monda Scholarship Fund
Provides a renewable merit and need based scholarship for an honors undergraduate student who is an Ohio resident majoring in Economics
For assistance making a gift, call (614) 292-2141, e-mail or visit: