Invest in our Students and Faculty . . . Invest in the Future
Your support is critical to the Department of Economics’ continuing success. The research of our faculty and students extends worldwide. The faculty continues its research while maintaining teaching excellence. Although faculty and students continue to attract support from nationally recognized sponsors, this support only partially meets our needs.
There are many opportunities to support our students and faculty. From scholarships to teaching awards, to student travel and research support, your donation will make a tangible difference in the lives of the students and faculty in our department. It is easy and safe to donate on-line on our department website.
All gifts are tax deductible as permitted by law.
Alma Herbst Memorial Lecture Fund
Provides an annual lecture in labor economics.
The Edward J. Ray Commemorative Research Fund
Income supports scholarly graduate activities in the Department of Economics at the Department Chair's discretion.
The Professor Paul G. Craig Graduate Student Assistance Fund
Income will be used to relieve one or more graduate students from one term's teaching commitment to accelerate progress towards a Ph.D. in Economics.
G.S. Maddala Memorial Fund
Provides awards to graduate students for excellence in quantitative research using econometrics, both theoretical and applied.
Economics Faculty Memorial Fund
This fund supports various department activities as identified by the Chair to enhance the department, including seminar presentations, graduate student research and travel, & faculty teaching.
Economics Undergraduate Scholarship
To provide scholarships for undergraduates in the Department of Economics.