Joyce Chen

Joyce Chen

Joyce Chen

Associate Professor, Courtesy Appointment


324 Agricultural Administration
2120 Fyffe Road
Columbus, OH

Google Map

Areas of Expertise

  • Development Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Economics of the Household


  • Harvard University Ph.D., Department of Economics, Sept. 2001 – June 2006
  • Harvard University M.A., Department of Economics, awarded June 2005
  • Brown University B.A. Economics, Magna Cum Laude and with Honors, Sept. 1997 – May 1999

Joyce Chen joined The Ohio State University in the fall of 2006. She is a development economist with research interests in household decision-making and investments in children’s human capital, particularly the roles of imperfect information and parental preferences. Recent publications examine the determinants of gender discrimination in schooling and the scope for cooperation among household members.  Work-in-progress focuses on how intra-household allocation is affected by the ability to negotiate and enforce agreements and how this is related to factors such as migration and co-residency. Professor Chen teaches a graduate course in development economics, focusing on micro- issues, as well as undergraduate courses in development economics (joint with International Studies) and an Honors section of introductory microeconomics. Additionally, she supervises the Finance and Development Brown Bag for graduate students.
