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Aubhik Khan

Aubhik Khan

Aubhik Khan




452 Arps Hall
1945 N. High St.
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Economic Development
  • Monetary Economics
  • Macroeconomics


  • Ph.D.: University of Pennsylvania, August 1993

Aubhik Khan joined the Department of Economics of The Ohio State University in 2008 as an Associate Professor.  He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.  Dr. Khan has previously held positions at the Department of Economics of the University of Virginia, as an Assistant Professor, and in the Research Department of The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, where he became a Senior Economic Advisor.  He has also visited the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland and Minneapolis. 

His research interests include Quantitative Business Cycle Theory, Applied Monetary Economics and Development Economics.  Dr. Khan’s research includes work on financial development, the aggregate implications of discrete firm and household choices, optimal monetary policy, models of monetary economies with endogenously segmented asset markets, and dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models with borrowing limits.  His research appears in a number of journals, including The American Economic Review, Econometrica, The Review of Economic Studies and The Journal of Monetary Economics.  Dr. Khan is also a co-editor of The Berkeley Electronic Journal of Macroeconomics.  

His research is available at https://www.aubhik-khan.net
