Dan Levin

Dan Levin

Dan Levin




443B Arps Hall
1945 N. High St.
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Industrial Organization
  • Auction Theory
  • Micro Theory
  • Experimental and Behavorial Economics


  • B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Economics, 1974, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
  • Ph.D., Economics, 1982, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts

Dan Levin received his B.A. from Tel Aviv University (Magna cum Laude) in 1974 and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982. He is a College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Distinguished Professor, Distinguished University Scholar, and Joan Huber Faculty Fellow.  He joined the department in 1995. Before coming to OSU he was a Full Professor at the University of Houston.   Dr. Levin has been an associate editor of the journal Games and Economic Behavior since June 2004. He is a fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory and a fellow of the Department of Economics at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  He has served on the National Science Foundation Economics Advisory Panel (beginning in July 2001) and twice on the NSF Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence panel.  He was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard from August 2002 to June 2003, a Visiting Professor at Stanford University from December 2006 to March 2007, and a Visiting Professor at the University of California in Berkeley, from January to May 2014. He also has done many shorter visits to various universities, including Johns Hopkins, Yale, Tel Aviv University, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Paris School of Economics.

Dr. Levin’s major research interests lie in the area of auctions and competitive bidding.  His research, often funded by the NSF, involves both theoretical and experimental methodologies.  Some of the issues studied involve price (revenue) formation, information processing by bidders and its aggregation, the role of competition, and learning. Another general area of interest is Industrial Organization (IO), in which Dr. Levin studies the relationship between market structures and market performance and how those are affected, for example, by participant behavior and activities such as horizontal mergers.  Modeling entry in static and dynamic environments is another area in IO that he has studied.  More recently Dr. Levin has extended his interests to behavioral economics and behavior under ambiguity.  Dr. Levin has published over 55 peer refereed papers with many in the top four journals and over 25 papers in the top 10.


Recent Work: Can we overcome the Winner's Curse by (behavioral) Auction Design? (with J. Philipp Reiss).