Dear Friends of the Department,
Welcome to our 2024 newsletter! We are pleased to update you on our latest news and invite you to engage with us through our online publication and more.
First, the department will move from Arps Hall to Bricker Hall, which is located in the center of the campus! The planned moving date is the summer of 2026. We are very excited about this move!
This semester, we would like to welcome new Assistant Professors Aldo Lucia and Myles Wagner! Aldo’s expertise is experimental economics and Myles’ is health economics. We would also like to welcome new lecturer Teresa Zhang, new senior lecturer Wade Litt, and new Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Amy Louise! Amy was our former Career Services Coordinator.
This year, four of our faculty members have had their research papers newly accepted in the Top 5 journals in economics. Congratulations to Jason Blevins, Alex Hollingsworth, Kurt Lavetti, and Tamar Oostrom on their accomplishments! For more details, see publications link.
Other awards for our faculty include Bruce Weinberg, who was a recipient of $1M from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for his research. Trevon Logan’s contribution to The Black Reparations Project: A Handbook for Racial Justice, has won the 2023 Phillis Wheatley Book Award for Non-Fiction. Gabriel Mihalache was appointed as an Associate Editor for the Journal of International Economics, and Tamar Oostrom became a NBER faculty research fellow in May 2024! Matt Weinberg was on NPR Cincinnati discussing the Kroger/Albertsons merger (link here.) Meta Brown’s paper on finances after the death of a spouse was featured on USA today. Trevon Logan’s research with OSU alumni, Benton Wishart, was featured in The Economist (link here.)
Our very own Professor Paul J. Healy is the department host and organizer of the annual Economics Science Association (ESA) conference! The conference was held this October 3rd – 6th at OSU. This is the largest annual conference on behavioral and experimental economics. For more information including guest speakers, please see the ESA website.
Other AY 2023-2024 award winners include the following graduate students: Bill Wang has been awarded the Tom Kniesner and Debbie Freund Award, which recognizes graduate students for their high-quality research in econometrics or health economics. Shi Ryoung Chang and Bobby Daniel were jointly awarded the G.S. Maddala Prize in Econometrics. The Maddala prize was established in 1999 to honor Dr. Maddala’s work in the field of econometrics, which recognizes graduate students for excellence in quantitative research using econometrics. Sunmin Kim has received the Professor J. Graham Smith Memorial Prize, which is awarded to a student to support their research in any aspect of applied economics. Sooa Ahn, Vaasavi Unnava, and Harrison Youn have been awarded the Larry and Shelia Kantor Award in recognition of their service to the graduate student population in the department. Pingchuan Ma, Sam Stelnicki, and Smriti Verma received Departmental Graduate Associate Teaching Awards (GATA).
Undergraduate student, Kate Whitbred (LinkedIn), was the winner of the Scott Glendhill Prize in Applied Economics for the paper, “Differences in College Major Choice by Sexual Orientation.”
Graduate student, Han Wang (Professional Website), just had his paper “Contracting with Heterogeneous Researchers” accepted by Games and Economic Behavior, the top field journal in game theory.
Alumni, Sudipto Banerjee and Somasree Dasgupta are a married couple who received their PhDs from the department about 10 years ago.
Christopher Roy was not only an Econ major but also an OSU football player from 1988-92.
We also feature a story about our Economics Advisory Board.
We hope that you will enjoy reading our newsletter. And as always, we encourage you to consider donating funds to help support our departmental activities or serve as a mentor for a current Economics student. Please also follow the department’s LinkedIn page.
We want to hear from you! Please complete this short survey to update us on your career and personal accomplishments. We look forward to including some brief alumni updates in our next newsletter.
College of Arts and Sciences - Department of Economics
410 Arps Hall
1945 N High St, Columbus, OH 43210